
Friday, August 30, 2013

30 August 2013,

This blog had been abandoned for few months. Well, since I am here, I do not mind to tell what had happens to me this few month.

Well, after Mechanics mid term exam, I withdrew myself from my University due to over stress and pressure. It was mainly because I have negative mindset. So, once I have done the midterm test that day, I feel depress, sad and hopeless. It is not because my family member do not support me, I feel depress because I feel useless because my dad waste lots of money sending me to University and all he want was wanted me to study hard. Even this also I cannot give him. (But I did not told dad that I want to withdraw at all, I just remain silent until the day I go back home)

Things happen when my dad come into my room and ask me how was my study progress. Suddenly, my tears had came out and I cant control myself from crying. Although physically boys may look tough and strong, but once boys had exceed his hold limit, they will burst like girls did. It is not because he is not strong, but simply he had been strong for too long. Well, that night dad had offer me to have a rest first and take some time to think what do I want actually. 

So during my rest time, I had work with my dad. I admit that it was fun during the starting time. Not until the day when I was surfing the internet and make me saw all my classmate were doing experiment in the Lab. That time I start to think. why am I here sitting in front of computer doing nothing and that is also the day I start to regret for being too impulse to withdrew myself from University. 

I have take some of my time to write down what is the life that I want after that. Guess what, although Engineering is tough but it still on my list. During the time when I was writing, I had found out my biggest problem on why I feel stress during my study time and the reason is, I spend too much of my time by doing report writing which cause me to have less time to study for exam. And also, my attitude is not good during my study time, I always proud of myself and when people give suggestion for me, I will always think that my idea is the best and never listen to them. When I face difficulties in homework or assignment, I never seek help from people. I have to change this kind of attitude.

My father and mother whom used to be my supporter, but now when I mention I want to go back to study life, "you better be serious and do not waste your dad a single cent again ". Well, they had lost their trust and confidence on me. Luckily, I still have friends to support me. With their encouragement, motivation and advice, I decide to give myself a chance to work hard again. 

Hey mum and dad ! Please watch out from now. Although the day have not reach for now, but one day, you both will be proud of me. Give your Son another 5 years time from now and he will be no longer an ordinary boy but a Civil Engineer ! :D 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your further studies =)
