
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

16 Jan 2012 (12am),

It is in late the midnight which I had woke up from sleep. " Is it really hard to score 4 flat ? " I asked myself. I think it could be hard if I dream it without taking any action but it could be other way round if I take action with the goal I set right ? I was once a kind of person who will give up easily when I saw there is no instant outcome. Seriously, I cant accept the outcome I get if I had put effort and did the best I can for something but GOD gave me chances to perform. He did not gave me desire outcome which I want. There was one time I wonder to myself, what if I really work hard enough, did the best I can, take action until the end but still do not get the desire result ? This is one of the issue which give me headache those days. Of course many people will say "just take action until you get the result", but it is not as easy as you think. To reset a goal , we must have faith, confidence, courage,  encouragement and a willing heart. Without them, you couldn't achieve anything in life. The way I overcome the problem were accept the truth by sharing the problem i faced with my family and friends, change my learning strategy and take action until I get the result. And now, I really get my desire result this time ! So my next target will be 4 flat. ;) I had prove that success is not about achieve the target or goal that you have set but rather success is the continuously process moving towards your goal as each and everyday.

Wong, Ananda asserted "Success is for people who made sufficient preparation".

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